Hemp plantation which is the first leg of the of the project carried out in our University selected for the scope of Regional Development Focused Specialization Project in the field of “Industrial Hemp” has been carried out with the participation of Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karadağ.
After obtaining the legal permission for hemp plantation for the purpose of scientific research by Our University Hemp Research Coordinatorship, the first job was to bring the hemp seeds together with the soil in accordance with the determined trial plans.
To determine the agricultural characteristics carried out for this purpose and to supply research materials to other research groups, hemp cultivation started on May 9 and completed on May 11, 2020.
Our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Güngör Yılmaz and Prof. Dr. Şenol Akın, Secretary General Prof. Dr. Uğur Kölemen, and members of the Faculty of Agriculture participated in the plantation activity started by Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karadağ. In addition, CBD Group members who signed a cooperation protocol in the field of hemp, Selim Çetinel and Ercüment Debidigen participated in the last day of the planting process.
In the brief explanation he made about the subject, Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karadağ said: “As a part of our hemp projects, we brought the first seeds together with ground and soil. By successfully completing the industrial hemp planting process planned for the campus area of our university, planting and maintenance operations of other locations will be carried out in the next stage. We will continue our activities in this field with the works of obtaining agricultural data. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to these works and wish them good luck.”
11.09.2020 15:46